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Information Technology (IT) courses in Singapore

When one gets down to choosing an IT course here in Singapore one is faced with numerous choices that befits an all-you-can-eat-buffet! There are many to choose from. One would notice from the information gathered that one’s final choice very much depends on one’s interest and its marketability in today’s employment market. Topics like object-oriented programming, wireless technology, data management and web-related modules are common in most courses. Naturally these are covered in our courses as well.


Chart1 below shows that as at 2012, software or application development still commands a high standing among job categories. This explains the key area of object-oriented programming appearing in most courses on offer. One has to be involved in software development regardless of the different areas of specialty one undertakes in different courses (i.e. web development, operating systems or even networking). Here at TMC Academy both programming in Java as well as in Visual Basic are offered as these represent the two most often used development environments; object-oriented and visual. Concepts on these provide students with a sound understanding of the logical sequence of software development, which is a useful trait favoured by all courses of study.

CHART 1: Infocomm Manpower by Job Category (in thousands) as at June 2012

Apart from the modules that are offered from the various institutions from the specific ones like hardware/software security to more generic ones like computing and information technology, one needs to also focus on other important elements on offer. For example there are student services and administration matters that encompasses one’s study at the institution of one’s choice. This includes the number of classes per week and the early receipt of appropriate documents (i.e. lesson schedules) can also be determinants to choosing one institution over another. These present other equally important non-academic activities that should also be high on the list of criterions when deciding. Is there a students’ club one can join and participate in various activities? Because we need to ensure that there is a holistic approach to one’s studies and an appropriate balance of work and play. Practical skills can be picked up or mastered making us high performing graduates that will excel in our jobs in the near future.

TMC Academy has all of this.

Apart from the usual Academic matters, we have an active student services department that looks into the wellness of students so they can focus without interruptions onto their academic studies. There is also a student club where students can participate in activities like inter-academy sporting events and a host of other activities that will appeal to youths of today. There will be a host of opportunities to make friends to make your student life here just that bit more colourful. Do check out our website for more information and more images of student life here at TMC. There are loads of activities awaiting your involvement and enjoyment.

So do prioritise your choices and think thoroughly before making that final decision! There is a difference to our motivation towards our studies should we actually enjoy the work and partake in fun-filled activities that highlight camaraderie and teambuilding skills.

Eugene Choe Ex-Principal Lecturer School of Information Technology, Digital Media and Mass Communication TMC Academy

Reference List

Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, Infocomm Manpower, 2012 (accessed on 27-July-2014)


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