There are numerous compelling reasons to enhance your professional life by pursuing an Executive MBA at TMC Academy. This advanced degree can significantly boost your career prospects, enhance your leadership skills, and give you a competitive edge in a dynamic and changing business landscape.
The desire to enhance our professional lives often arises because of the challenges we face in our employment. Some of the challenges include the impact of receiving a promotion and the complexities of the modern workforce.
The impact of promotion that isn’t discussed
Your ambition and skills have made you stand out, and the promotion you were offered has been eagerly accepted. The first few weeks flew by, fuelled by the euphoria and adrenaline of the promotion.
Now, the euphoria has faded, and the adrenaline has turned from excitement to stress as you try to juggle the responsibilities of a more senior role. The challenges of this new position are becoming more apparent, and you are realising the need for additional skills and knowledge to excel in this role.
Often, when you transition to a role with higher management responsibilities, there is an assumption that your previous success will automatically translate. However, the skills that propelled you to this new role may not be sufficient. An Executive MBA from TMC Academy can provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in this new role, bridging the gap between your current capabilities and the demands of the new position.
Supervisory roles, C suite, and leadership roles require different skills or skills that are applied in different contexts. For example, previously, you may have had to think strategically about your part of a project or task. Now, you must think strategically about the entire project or division of the company. This is where the importance of developing new skills for career advancement becomes evident.
Thinking strategically requires a different skill set to making good decisions about particular issues.
Senior leadership roles also require developed communication skills. For leaders who have been promoted within their company, this can involve changing relationships as previous co-workers and friends now must report directly to you. Learning to transition these relationships and communicate well can be the key to success or failure in building and motivating a cohesive team.
Because these issues aren’t discussed, newly appointed leaders or managers often struggle after a few months in the new role.
This is where studying for an Executive MBA through TMC Academy can provide new leaders with the knowledge, skills and confidence to succeed in their new roles.
The complexities of the modern workforce
There are several reasons for the complexities that workforce leaders and C-suite executives face.
Impact of rapid change
New technologies, particularly AI, are significantly impacting workplaces in two ways.
Firstly, new technologies are changing the way work is carried out. Secondly, due to AI and new technologies, staff are experiencing rapid changes in their work environment.
On-going rapid change leads to fatigue, which can be a precursor to burnout if not managed.
This means leaders not only have to stay current with the rapid changes occurring, but they also must manage their fatigue from rapid change and the impact of rapid change on staff and the organisation.
Multi-generational workplaces
Workplaces frequently have employees from four generations.
Baby boomers (born 1946 – 1964). Many baby boomers are still in the workforce because of changes in the retirement age and people living longer.
Generation X (born 1965 – 1980)
Generation Y or Millennials (born 1981 – 1996); and
Generation Z (born 1997 – 2012) are entering the workforce.
Each generation has unique strengths and challenges, and harnessing these strengths to build a cohesive work culture and motivated team requires strong communication skills and emotional intelligence to navigate the different generations' strengths.
These complexities are often not discussed among a company's leadership team, and consequently, many leaders can feel uncertain about how to deal with these situations. An executive MBA can provide the knowledge, insights, and skills necessary for leaders to make constructive decisions that benefit the company and employees.
Executive MBA Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
The EMBA through TMC Academy is designed to meet the needs of existing and potential senior managers and equip participants with the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to be effective managers in complex and increasingly dynamic business environments.
Modules of study
Participants in the EMBA study the following modules:
Critical Issues in Business
Management and Organisational Behaviour
Leadership in a Changing Context
Strategic Marketing
Managing Operations and the Supply Chain
Competitive Strategy and Innovation
Financial Decision Making
Business Research Project
These units are not just theoretical. The degree course is designed to provide participants with key learning outcomes around knowledge and skills. For example:
Key knowledge outcomes for participants
The following are the key outcomes for participants in understanding organisational performance, cultural issues and different managerial practices.
Participants can
systematically collect and critically analyse information and data to evaluate situations and develop alternative courses of action, where necessary.
accurately understand and apply techniques to evaluate organisational performance, identify current or potential problems, and develop effective strategies to resolve or mitigate them.
demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of the contributions made by different staff and teams in achieving organisational goals.
demonstrate empathy and understanding of cultural issues and differing managerial practices when making business decisions in an international environment.
Key subject-specific skill outcomes for participants
The key subject-specific skills participants develop in studying the EMBA are:
the ability to select the appropriate leadership style for managing situations of varying complexity within the organisation.
the ability to be an effective coach and mentor to assist staff in achieving organisational goals and increase staff motivation and satisfaction in carrying out their roles.
understanding and balancing contrasting societal and organisational values when making complex decisions in unpredictable situations.
develop clear action plans after conducting a detailed and critical analysis of management situations and challenges.
Key skill outcomes for participants
In addition to subject-specific skills, participants develop several general skills as part of the course. These general skills include:
being able to examine, organise and understand data from various sources and identify the relative meaning and significance of the data.
Understand and use information technology competently and effectively, using the IT software commonly used by management in organisations.
The ability to communicate effectively across all levels of the organisational structure.
Self-awareness and self-organisational skills combined with a sensitivity to the needs of others within the work environment.
Being a reflective practitioner and learning through experience.
Being self-reflective and self-aware within the work environment is crucial to being an effective and successful leader.
The benefit of part-time study
Many business leaders feel unable to take their professional life to the next level because they cannot commit to full-time study.
This is entirely understandable. Many leaders also have family responsibilities. Between the demands of leadership and other responsibilities, it often leaves little energy for any else.
TMC Academy recognises this as a challenge for many leaders and offers the EMBA part-time. Studying part-time means business leaders can obtain this higher degree within eighteen months.
Not only is the EMBA offered part-time, but participants also benefit from TMC’s academic partnership with the University of Northampton in completing this degree.
If the challenges you are facing in your company are leaving you feeling perplexed and unsure, it is time to investigate the benefits of an EMBA that can provide the knowledge and skills necessary to equip you to deal with the complexities of the work environment.