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TMC Academy – Approved WSQ Training Organisation



TMC Academy is now a Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) Approved Training Organisation (ATO) – Public and In-House, under SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). The organisation accreditation was achieved on 28/8/17 for 2 years (renewable).


Introduction of WSQ

The Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) is a national credential system – a robust and integrated continuing education and training system. Designed to build industry competencies, it is founded on international best practices and validated by industries and employers. WSQ caters to adult workers who have widely diverse training needs; it offers a wide range of certification and qualification ranging from Certificate to Graduate Diploma. As a continuing education and training (CET) system, WSQ supports the SkillsFuture movement to:

  1. Promote recognition of skills and competencies to facilitate progression, mastery and mobility;

  2. Promote holistic development of the workforce through technical and generic skills and competencies;

  3. Support economic development by professionalising skills and competencies to drive industry transformation, productivity and innovation efforts; and

  4. Encourage lifelong learning.

  5. Training programmes developed under the WSQ system are based on skills and competencies validated by employers, unions and professional bodies. This process ensures existing and emerging skills and competencies that are in demand are used to inform training and development under WSQ.


WSQ Courses at TMC Academy

TMC WSQ courses offered are under the Employability Skills Framework. The Employability Skills (ES) WSQ Framework aims to equip the workforce with generic and portable skills to adapt and be resilient to challenges posed by a globalised and dynamic working environment. It enables employers to access and maintain a skilled workforce which provides a competitive edge for sustaining organisation success. It also equips workers with skills required to gain employment, progress within an organisation and contribute successfully to the organisation’s strategic directions.

The first run of courses is scheduled to be offered in November / December 2017. Watch this space for the latest updates![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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